God is working something in me. I can’t talk about this past month without talking about the sheer faithfulness of God….
Read MoreI am turning 30 this week! It is mind-boggling to think about how much I have learned to get to 30. As I bid adieu to my twenties and an as an ode to Tswift's article this month in Elle Magazine, here are 30 things I have learned before turning 30….
Read MoreThe fear of being vulnerable and admitting I still have deep hurt from wounds in the past can be paralyzing. These wounds have felt so raw again this week……
Read MoreI learned to quiet my voice because I feared that I would be noticed and judged, and therefore told I wasn’t good enough….
Read MoreAs Thanksgiving nears, I am struck by how easy it can be to forget to be thankful for the many blessings in my life. I’ve had a lot….
Read MoreI’ve been feeling really anxious this week and it’s been particularly frustrating because my anxiety has been caused by…
Read MoreIt has been about one year since I uploaded my first post on Instagram @overflowingwithgrace. At the time, I was filled with so much excitement….
Read MoreThe past is part of us but we don’t take the time to say goodbye
Embrace it all
Let it go to take it in
Seasons of inspiration and goodness
Read MoreIt was my first time traveling to Europe and I could not be more excited for what was to come…..
Read MoreIn the past, I have let the negative opinions of people who do not genuinely care for me to….
Read MoreThe news of the deaths of two huge celebrity figures and cultural tycoons last week impacted a lot of people, including a few people close to me….
Read MoreCue: Ugly Kim Kardashian crying meme. Surely you recognize the quintessential face of the post-breakup for most of us. Break ups can feel….
Read MoreFear is a real, alive, and persistent storyteller, brandishing its arsenal of weapons of insecurity and.....
Read MoreThis past month, I desperately needed some time to recuperate and reset. Enter: a much-needed vacation to the west coast for my birthday...
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